1,127 fatalities after a building collapse in Bangladesh
Three weeks after the collapse of the Rana Plaza building, a former clothing workshop in Bangladesh, there is a balance of around 1,127 fatalities, making it the worst accident in the history of the textile industry.
The misfortune attracted worldwide attention on the precarious working conditions that persist in this sector.
Reforms are expected to improve the working conditions of garment workers in Bangladesh, who are the lowest paid in the world with a monthly salary of $ 38
The amendment proposed to the 2006 Labour Act will allow workers to organize themselves in unions and will include medical and life insurance, which will be paid by the owners of the factories, and a wage increase.
“The law has been approved by the government, now it will be reviewed by the Ministry of Law and then must be approved by the Parliament,” said Tarek Zahirul, spokesman of the Ministry of Textiles.