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20 Ecuadorian Banana Exporters will be Sanctioned by MAGAP
Posted On 15 Dec 2011
Last Wednesday, December 14th, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP for its Spanish acronym) reported that 20 bananas exporting companies will be fined $80,000 because of the non-payment trough the Central Bank system, delays in their delivery of their shipping plans and failure in the official price ($5.50).
Beside these 20 companies already reported, another group of exporting companies join to be sanctioned because of the same reason. MAGAP mentioned that only in this week fines totaling $ 670,000, the equivalent of twenty times the amount of tax evasion or noncompliance as determined by law.
This regulation corresponds to the new control MAGAP to enforce the obligations under the Law of Banana.