
These are the 50 brands with the best digital reputation in Ecuador

Ecuadornews: Electronic channels not only serve for the sale of goods or services, but also for brands to know the needs of their customers, offer after-sales service and generate loyalty. In Ecuador there are more and more companies that are concerned about their digital...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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The rise of diesel for small fishermen will be $ 0.10 per gallon

Ecuadornews: The secretary of the Presidency of Ecuador, Eduardo Jurado, announced on Monday September 10 an increase in the price of diesel for industrial use, fishing and shrimp. During a press conference at the Political Headquarters of the city of Manta, province of Manabí,...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Associations exported products to 65 destinations

Ecuadornews: Sales of the Popular and Solidarity Economy increased 9.39% in the first semester. Italy, USA and Russia were the main markets. The Associations of the Popular and Solidarity Economy (EPS) registered 9.39% of their exports growth in the first semester of 2018, in...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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The tithe spreads its stain

Ecuadornews: At least seven assembly members have been accused, with name and surname, for the supposed charge of ‘tithes’. And for today announces the delivery of a second complaint in the Attorney General. This is Andrea Utreras, a former employee who worked from...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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The ITT fills barrels with water

Ecuadornews: The jewel in the crown has fissures. The extraction of oil in the Yasuní natural park presents complications that raise the price of hydrocarbon production. For each barrel, for the separation of liquids, you can raise the price by about a dollar and a half. Daily,...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Bill of Anticorruption Law would benefit Jorge Glas, according to César Montúfar; Commission defends itself

Ecuadornews: As a matter of concern, César Montúfar, who was the accuser of former Vice President Jorge Glas in the Odebrecht case, described the bill as Anti-Corruption, which was approved with 107 affirmative votes in the second debate on August 14. The project, among the...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Affected by Chevron-Texaco ask not to execute sentence

Those affected by the operations of Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador announced that they will go to international organizations seeking support to prevent the execution of the award of the arbitration tribunal of The Hague in favor of the transnational because it is...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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The Executive is mobilized in 13,612 official vehicles

Ecuadornews: The house, or at least the garage, begins to take shape. The entities of the Executive function order their vehicle park after the decree of austerity issued by President Lenin Moreno, in September last year. The 123 institutions of the public sector reported having,...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Deflation due to low consumption with signs of reaching 2019

Ecuadornews: If Ecuador had to pay a multi-million dollar fine to the Chevron oil company, its economy will be aggravated, since the country still has a liquidity problem and an annual national deflation from September 2017 to August of this year. These are part of the signals...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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Double speed in the brake on corruption

Ecuadornews: The approval of the Organic Law of Fight against Corruption, presented in July of 2017 by the legislator of the Morenist wing Mariano Zambrano, has raised the suspicions of the private accuser in the Odebrecht case, César Montúfar. In his opinion, as the text is...
Posted On 11 Sep 2018
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