5% of the existing judges were penalized with their dismissal in 2015

image: EL Universo
95 judges were dismissed nationwide by the plenary of the Judiciary Council (CJ for its Spanish acronym) in 2015, among the most common causes: Obvious negligence, failure to attend hearings, inexcusable error and manipulation of the computer system.
While for Gustavo Jalkh, president of CJ, the number of penalty cases and the reasons for the dismissals are “important,” he clarifies that the figures are “minor,” since if taken into account there are 1,900 judges in the system justice, the dismissed represent only 5% of that total.
Although he notes that there are fewer cases presented for dismissal, Jalkh defends the disciplinary system of the judiciary system, explaining that this is a tool to “ensure the quality and transparency of justice in the country.”
CJ data reveal that during 2015 80% of more than 1,100 summaries processed by the body ended with the ratification of innocence of the denounced judicial servant. The rest are cases of judicial nature and of those who did not submit evidence of the alleged infringement.
During 2015, 119 cases of dismissal of judges were reviewed by the plenary of CJ and of these, about 95 judges received this sanction. According to the CJ, this is because these 119 cases comprise all open proceedings, including several proceedings against the same person.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2016/01/05/nota/5326777/5-jueces-existentes-fueron-sancionados-destitucion-2015