A congress promotes an anti-bullying norm

Motivated by the fight against ‘bullying’ and ‘mobbing’ (harassment), yesterday around 40 psychologists, teachers, sociologists, social workers, leaders, among others gathered to propose solutions and educate themselves about the problem from different areas.
One of these areas is the approach to the issue from public policies. Therefore, just as this newspaper published on Tuesday, a new ordinance was proposed to ensure the welfare, especially student, during situations of ‘bullying’, which have already had deadly consequences even.
This proposal of municipal regulations, which germinated as part of the commitment of the international congress called ‘Mobbing and Bullying’ to end the harassment, was reiterated yesterday by Luzmila Nicolalde, president of the Cantonal Council of Integral Protection of Rights of Guayaquil (CCPID-G) , at the opening of the event, held at the Hilton Colón Hotel, although it still has no filing date.
According to Nicolalde, the first step is to promote and make known to the different social actors the Ordinance for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in the Face of Abuse, which was approved in November 2017.
Also, Nicolalde explained that the Cantonal Rights Council will coordinate complementary actions with other institutions in order to eradicate harassment from educational centers. He also acknowledged that despite the studies on the subject “that we have made in other occasions, the objective has not been achieved, that is why we are now debating this issue, from other points of view,” he said.
Fernando García, president of the organizing committee of the congress and vice president of the College of Industrial Psychologists of Guayas, stressed that the importance of the content that will be issued until tomorrow in the international event means a “theoretical-practical” support for the development of all areas of the sector of public and private health and teaching”.
In order to make this problem visible, the event’s ambassador was named, Úrsula Strenge, a clinical psychologist and communicator, who emphasized the phrase of the event, ‘Making visible the invisible’.
“This is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, stories and tools to document what we can do on this subject,” she said.
Líbice Villegas, social worker attending the event, with experience in different public and private companies, claims to have witnessed, in different entities, cases of workplace harassment, “and it is not easy to solve; in this sense, public policies should also be created by the worker “.
Seven foreign exhibitors from countries such as Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and Spain participated in the congress. And five national experts: Silvia Cordero, María Soledad Viteri, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Sybel Martínez and García. EOS
Conferences and workshops of the congress
The congress includes eight thematic axes distributed during the three days that the event will last, which began yesterday. The topics to be discussed are: the training of leaders and educators, the implementation of protocols in public relations departments, scientific research, the legal responsibility of the problem, the intervention and treatment of those affected, psychological expertise, the psychosocial risks of the worker, and ‘cyber bullying’ (Internet use for harassment). (I)
Source: https://www.expreso.ec/guayaquil/bullying-acosoescolar-congreso-educacion-violencia-HI2381911