Adam Lanza Entered Shooting into Newtown Campus
Adam Lanza, 24, was responsible for the death of 20 children and 7 adults when he entered the student campus after shooting a glass door and started killing. This was reported Dannel Malloy, Governor of Connecticut.
“He shot to enter, and then went to the first class lounge, as you know, then the second classroom,” said the governor. The coroner Wayne Carver said most of the children received more than one shot with a 5.56mm caliber assault rifle.
Police revealed that 16 of the 20 children were 6 years and 4 had already served seven years. Twelve were girls and eight boys, while the group of deceased adults consists of six women.
The reasons for the killing remain unknown, but The New York Times noted that Lanza had no difficulties to overcome the security of school because the director of the school opened the door, since they already knew that the mother of Adam, a former school teacher, who was no longer working at Sandy Hook.
Lanza killed himself upon hearing the arrival of the first emergency services.