After sanctions for correísta ‘political persecution’

Truth, justice and reparation seek at least 200 people who consider themselves victims of political persecution in the government of Rafael Correa. To this end, a Truth and Justice Bureau was created, with which the Transitional Judicial Council intends to show that the justice system in the Correista decade was used to persecute, imprison and threaten those who thought differently.
“It was enough the signaling of a minister or a “sabatina” to get to decide a judicial process. (…) We have spent a decade of violation of human rights, of authoritarianism and that has caused victims, “explained Angelica Porras, member of the transitional Judicial Council.
The panel tries to demonstrate practices of interference in justice, contribute to dismantling the mechanisms of persecution and give recommendations that allow the authorities: Prosecutor’s Office, Attorney General’s Office and Judicial Council, to take reparation actions.
In the meeting there were collectives such as Victims of 30S, 10 of Luluncoto, 29 of Saraguro, 3 of Cotopaxi, of the Gonzalez case and others, police passes.
Paúl Jácome, one of the three defendants in Cotopaxi for the crime of rebellion, said that once each case is analyzed, each political leader and judges and prosecutors who collaborated with that system should be identified. It is aimed at administrative, civil and criminal proceedings.
The president of the Judicial Council, Marcelo Merlo, explained that starting today the data collection phase will begin. A report will be delivered in December. (I)