Alvaro Noboa Confirms Return and Says it will be Long Fight with the IRS
From his home in Miami, Alvaro Noboa, the presidential candidate, stated through telephone that the “kidnapping of his goods” that the IRS began two days ago, “is one more event of this unfair process” that is being carried out against him.
Regarding his seized goods, seven cars, five small planes, two boats and a house, the businessman founder of Banco del Litoral, clarified that such goods are heritages, therefore its forbidden to seize them, “which is not the same a seizing or lost,” added Noboa.
During his interview Alvaro Noboa said, “I am not running from the SRI, due to my business I have to travel every month.” Regarding the order that stops him from leaving the country, he added that “such measure will not affect his return.”
Alvaro Noboa said that his attorneys are already working on the necessary actions, and that he will perform an international tour to denounce the persecution that the Ecuadorian government is making against him.
Finally the businessman said “obviously I have to return,” even more so, since he is considered as one of the first options to win the Ecuadorian presidency. “The finalists on the first electoral count will be Rafael Correa and me,” added Noboa. AV