En la cita de negocios, que se celebra desde el 29 de mayo en Guayaquil, participan 116 compradores internacionales y 311 empresas del país.

Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, Julo José Prado, at the inauguration of the eleventh edition of the Macrorrueda de Negocios. Guayaquil, May 29, 2023.
In the eleventh edition of the Macrorueda de Negocios, which is held from May 29 to 31, 2023 in Guayaquil, 116 buyers participate , including a supermarket chain from the Middle East and a distributor for supermarkets from China.
The first is Lulu Hypermarket , the largest hypermarket chain in the Middle East, with a presence in 23 countries around the world, mostly in Asia. It is owned by the multinational conglomerate Lulu Group International, based in the United Arab Emirates.
In addition, Shenyang Yougong Import Food Trading, a distributor for supermarket chains in China, participates.
Says the Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, Julio José Prado, in an interview with PRIMICIAS.
On this occasion, 15 more buyers are participating than in the 2022 edition of the Macrorueda de Negocios, so the Government’s expectation is, at least, to reach or exceed the turnover completed last year, of USD 237 million.
In the two years of Guillermo Lasso’s Government, the country has completed exports for USD 600 million, through the Macrorrueda and Ecuador’s commercial offices abroad, says Minister Prado.
On the part of Ecuador, 311 companies participate , of which 244 are micro, small and medium-sized (mipymes), from 20 provinces of the country.
Among the Ecuadorian products that this year increase their presence at the business meeting, due to a greater consolidation of these markets, are pitahaya and blueberries, highlights Prado.