Authorities estimate conclude on Saturday rescue efforts in Sewol vessel
The South Korean Government today marked the goal of completing the rescue works next Saturday and recover 30 bodies that remain in the Sewol vessel sunk 22 days ago with more than 300 dead or missing.wol 22 days ago with more than 300 dead or missing.
`Those responsible of the search should make every effort so (rescue) tasks conclude on the 10th,´ said the South Korean Prime Minister, Chung Hong-won, in a meeting with senior officials in Seoul, according to Yonhap news agency.
The rescue services, which continue recovering bodies inside the boat, this morning expressed its intention to extend the search for the next four days at the still unexplored dependencies.
Until now the deaths of 269 of the 476 people aboard the Sewol have been confirmed.
It is expected this week that the improvement of weather and sea conditions allow divers progress in the rescue, because the low tide has softened the waves and currents and the wind has weakened.