Bullfights will be held in another venue

After the announcement of the suspension of the Jesus del Gran Poder bullfighting fair, to be held on December 1 in Quito, yesterday the organization group announced that two bullfights will take place in the Plaza Belmonte (Historic Center).
Jose Luis Cobo, manager of Triana Company, asked the Bullfighting Committee of the Municipality to change the date of its bullfight at the Plaza Belmonte from the 23 of November to December first, and requested that arrangements be made to perform bullfights on the 5th and 6th of December.
This report coincided with the critics made by President Rafael Correa during his trip to Spain where he said it was a political strategy to suspend the show.
Alonso Moreno, President of the Bullfighting Commission said that if the square meets the requirements of Ordinance 127 for the realization of a bullfighting event, the performance will be allowed. The Institution scheduled an inspection of the square for today at 15:00.
Pablo Ponce, Quito’s councilor, said that about 120 merchants will be relocated to Belmonte, so they can sell their products.