Caravan of Correa must be covered with cartons before attack with eggs in la Maná
The caravan of the ex-president Rafael Correa has been attacked with eggs thrown by a crowd that has received him angrily on his way through La Maná, in Quevedo, province of Los Ríos. Correa himself has denounced in his Twitter account that he was attacked again by the “tirapiedras”. (people throwing rocks) “How the country has changed, now the violent feel ownership of the Homeland, another reason to say No,” he wrote in his Twitter account.
The events occurred when Correa (2007-2017) arrived in La Maná, 115 kilometers southwest of Quito, but his presence was rejected by dozens of villagers who threw eggs and tomatoes at the truck in which he was moving and in whose upper part he was protected with umbrellas and boards according to videos broadcast in the media.
The chaplains of the former president reacted from the top of the truck also throwing eggs against the citizens. From the beginning of the tour, those who accompany Correa have responded with blows and beatings to the people who shouted against him.
Citizens shouted “Fuera Correa, fuera!” (Correa out). As well as insults and expletives related to the series of corruption scandals that allegedly occurred while governing the country. These include his former vice president, Jorge Glas currently in prison several ministers and other senior state officials. These are mainly linked to the millionaire network of bribes promoted by the Brazilian company Odebrecht.
Correa, who resides in Belgium, but has returned to campaign for the NO in the popular consultation convened by President Lenin Moreno, has suffered various attacks from opponents with eggs and tomatoes.
The incidents began on Sunday in Borbón, province of Esmeraldas. And they have also repeated yesterday, in his tour of Manabí. In turn, supporters of Correa have attacked those who shout insults or complaints to the former president.
The referendum proposed by Moreno aims to ask Ecuadorians seven questions on environmental, legal and constitutional issues. Likewise, he will question whether the population is against indefinite re-election, which would leave Correa with no possibility of accessing power again if he sought it.
Correa chose Moreno to succeed him, but almost immediately the friction between them began when the new president warned that he had received a highly indebted country with serious corruption problems, while the former accused him of being a traitor and disloyal to his political project. (I)