Cardinals begin their first pre-conclave meeting

Portuguese Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins
On Monday the cardinals from around the world began the first of many meetings at the Vatican in the conclave that will choose the new Pope, amid the sudden resignation of Benedict XVI.
Journalists and photographers captured the religious input, with its characteristic red Capelos, at the first meeting. Portuguese Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins said on entering, “a Latin American pope is possible Anything is possible!”
The focus of these events is to set the date for the conclave and set the previous procedures, such as closing the Sistine Chapel to visitors and clear the hotel guests of Vatican. They will also check for listening devices of any that would try to listen any of the secret conversations between the cardinals.
Moreover, it is likely that the Cardinals will not be able to set a date on Monday. Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, said that the date will not be decided until all the cardinals have arrived to Rome.