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Charges of Alleged Links Between Ecuador and the FARC were Refuted
Posted On 21 May 2011
The denial of the Ecuadorian government of an alleged link between the Ecuadorian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has been strengthened by knowing that the Colombian Supreme Court concluded that the information contained on the computers of later Raul Reyes, has not been accepted as evidence in court because they were collected illegally by the Colombian military in 2008, when they bombed Ecuadorian territory.
Javier Ponce, Ecuador’s Defense Minister said the allegations were “absolutely refuted”, adding that “there may be evidence (the supposed emails of Kings), a long time ago.
On the other hand, Ecuador requested the Prosecutor to “adopt as an element of trial” the statement by the Colombian justice in the investigation of complaints of alleged economic contributions of the FARC to Correa’s campaign in 2006 and the apparent links between officials and former aides to the guerrillas.
President Rafael Correa said: “(…) what has made the Supreme Court (in Colombia) is the legal level to make it clear an obvious the truth.”
The Colombian Court decision came after last week published a report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), UK.
Source: El Universo Newspaper