Chavez Removes Venezuela from the IACHR
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, announced that his country will sadly retreat itself from the “notorious” Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and called for the creation of State Council to investigate this matter.
Chavez stated that “it’s a mechanism used by the United States against us,” the Venezuelan leader pointed out that it was also referring itself to the Organization of American States (OEA for its Spanish acronym). Chavez asked his vice president Elias Jaua to accelerate the creation of the State Council, which is an office that will recommend policies of national concern to the chief of Sates.
Hugo Chavez assured that after the creation the State Council, he would send the “Governments of the World” the reasons for the retreat of his country from IACHR.
Afterwards Chavez informed that in the next hours he would be returning to La Habana, Cuba, for his final radiotherapy treatment against the cancer that assails him. (AV)