Conelec approves subsidy for induction cookers
Last July 15, the National Electricity Council (Conelec for its Spanish acronym) approved the resolution 058-14, which modifies the tariff schedule for utilities and authorizes the coming in force of the grant for the Efficient Cooking Program (PEC for its Spanish acronym) from the first of August. The document came into force on July 23.
With this, those who register for the plan to replace gas stoves by induction cookers which begins next month, will have the benefit of the first 80 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity consumed with stoves, as well as the first 20 kWh for those who use electric shower and water heaters of this nature.
The text clarifies that the tariff amendment will apply to consumers subject to the residential category, who according to the government will receive those first 80 kW-h per month t no charge until 2018, when the preferential electricity tariff for the use of induction system will be located in 4 cents.
It also states that an analysis will be carried out to monitor the implementation of the fee to check its application settings, in order to confirm or modify the calculation parameters used in this regard.