Continuing quarrels between Correa and U.S. Ambassador
President Rafael Correa made clear his opinion about the U.S. ambassador in Quito, Adam Namm, and his statements on press freedom in Ecuador, referring to the diplomat as “metidito” (meddler) and “malcriadito” (spoiled) for having participated in the event over the Press Freedom Day, organized by the National Union of Journalists (UNP for its Spanish acronym).
In last Saturday’s nation-wide broadcast, the president made public his opposition to the actions of Namm and even slid his suspicion that the U.S. Embassy allegedly financed the event of the UNP, which, through a statement, categorically rejected Correa’s statements and asked the Government to provide the evidence of the alleged financing or otherwise to correct them in one of his speeches to the media.

Rafael Correa on last Saturday’s nation-wide broadcast
Under the frame that the event made by the UNP to commemorate the Freedom of Expression Day, is considered by the Ecuadorian government as “a political act”, this afternoon, to discuss the issue, the Ambassador Namm and Chancellor Ricardo Patiño met. These types of calls are intended to seek explanations from the ambassadors of the behaviors, actions or pronouncements of their governments.

Ambassador Adam Namm writing on the giant canvas. An event made by the UNP.
After the meeting, Patiño stated: “I have expressed to Mr. Namm that the next time he makes a stake in a political act of this nature, our response will not only be a claim, but will be a response of a different nature “he said.
Regarding Namm’s reaction to the complaint, Patiño, at a press conference, said “I do not know what will be the conduct of Mr. Adam Namm,” and it would be better that you “ask the diplomat directly.”