Controversy on Communication Bill in Ecuador Continues
This week the Communication Comission of the National Assembly will debate the draft of the communication bill established on the referendum of May 7. During the last two months the Commission had debates to apply the themes set by the popular referendum.
However the president of the Commission, Mauro Andino did not chose any of the ideas given by the members of the opposition, even those that reached a mutual consensus. The draft contains seven controversial points; some of them contradict the agreements reached between the Assemblymen:
– The Regulation Council, is a entity in charge of designing and implementing the public policies of communication.
– Technological Platforms, is a project that pretends to regulate the contents published by any technological media.
– The Mandatory Classification establishes a general definition of what the information content is about.
– “No to violent contents” prohibits the violent and discriminatory contents.
– Ulterior responsibility, this project defines the obligation of the judicial consequences that any person must accept for the action of spreading information.
– Joint Liability, is a project that defines the degree of responsibility shared in cases of penal demands or administrative sanctions. (AV)
Source: Expreso Newspaper