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Controversy over judge´s ruling that calls for a training in ‘legal hierarchy’
Posted On 14 Sep 2016

The resolution of the judge of the Criminal Unit of Pichincha, Karen Matamoros, who accepted the request for protective action in favor of President Rafael Correa against a Disciplinary Board of the Navy, generated a debate on a possible ‘interference’ by ordering a training course for the Armed Forces.
Matamoros decided that “all members of the military institutions” know about hierarchy regulations, what is observance of the Constitution and respect for civil authority.
Until yesterday afternoon, this resolution was not notified to the parties, but Monday during the judicial process she expressed that Correa´s right to legal security was violated because the Council did not sanction Navy captain Jose Luis Peñafiel, who have responded and email to president in a disrespectfully way.
In addition, as part of a “guarantee of non-repetition,” she asked that his sentence is made official for the “highest authority of the Armed Forces,” ie, the president, so its content is released through the Ministry of Defense.
For the defense attorney of Peñafiel, Juan Vizueta -who clarified that the official is not part of this recourse- the ruling “is an abusive interference.”