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Controversy over proposal to lower corn prices
Posted On 16 Jan 2016

A commercialization agreement signed by the three yellow corn farmers associations, three from the industrial sector and Pronaca (the largest poultry and pig company in the country) polarized the sector.
Daily Expreso had access to the agreement, where the terms for the commercialization of the grain are given for 2016.
The Feed Manufacturers Association (Afaba), Aprobal, the Poultry Corporation (CONAVE) and Pronaca signed a document in which they commit to buy 400,000 tons of corn to Cornmaíz at a price of $ 14.90, one dollar less. Fenamaíz rejected this: “There is discrimination. What about independent producers and other associations in the country, that represent a majority?” And he criticized the proposal of “a real program of absorption.”
The commercialization agreement, on the side of the producers was signed by Cornmaiz and on the side of associations by Sibimbe and Unidos por el Progreso.
“Thanks to the good will and mutual understanding of the parties involved, without the slightest involvement or interference by the Government, this agreement was reached, which could be described at least as remarkable and positive,” said Jorge Josse, of Aprobal.
“We understand that this price has already been made official by the Ministry of Agriculture,” said Josse to daily Expreso. (I)