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Correa warns that they might say that he or Glas received bribes from Odebrecht
Posted On 03 Jan 2017

President Rafael Correa warned during his latest weekly address of 2016 that the information handled on the Odebrecht case could be used “politically and geopolitically” against him. “… tomorrow they say that it is Correa, that is Glas and until we demonstrate the contrary, the elections will go by, and that is what they are looking for,” said the President.
On December 22, the United States Department of Justice revealed that the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht had paid more than $ 439 million in bribes to officials from eleven countries around the world, including $ 33.5 million in Ecuador.
“We will not allow the same thing that happened with the Panama Papers, where the denunciations were selective and some biased, and only those that hurt particular governments and public officials were published, that is, there is no corruption in the private sector,” he added.