Domestic entrepreneurs invest $ 105 million
At a meeting of businessmen in Cuenca the new investments were announced. During the XIII special session of the Sectoral Council for Production, seven new investment contracts representing about $ 105 million were approved, which will generate 443 new jobs. In addition, investment contracts, previously approved, for about $ 67 million were signed.
New investment initiatives in sectors such as fishing, tourism, construction and assembly were also presented. Two companies of fishery conservation committed to improve productivity. Aquacargill de Ecuador, with an investment of 50 million dollars, and the fishing company Centromar with $ 9.9 million.
Conduit (2.3 million dollars), Cubiertas Ku-BIEC (6.7 million dollars), La Tabarcacen ($ 29.5 million), Indura (5.9 million), Quito Airport Hotel Trust ($ 21 million), F.V. Andean Region ($ 26.2 million) and Sheraton Hotel of Cuenca Trust (14 million dollars), are other companies that will make investments for the construction of a hotel with a capacity of 120 rooms and 160 new jobs.
These companies will enjoy different tariff incentives such as opening of capital stock for their workers, payment facilities in foreign trade taxes, exemption from tax on currency output for 15 years.