Drug networks catch everything in Ecuador
Its network catches everything. And everybody. Neighborhoods, schools, shops, post offices, ports and airports, in the first case. Adults stuck into the vice, young students and children now, in the second case. The Curse of the drug, in its drug trafficking version abroad or in its internal version of microtrafficking, destroys everything.
To this we must add those who, out of need or moved by the interest of money, have become facilitators of the dark drug business. In this category some artisanal fishermen from the Ecuadorian coasts have fallen.
Daily Expreso reported this week that the disappearance of fishermen becomes common in the coastal provinces of Esmeraldas, Santa Elena and especially in Manabi, where they would be seduced by drug trafficking networks.
Source: http://expreso.ec/expreso/plantillas/nota.aspx?idart=8901573&idcat=38473&tipo=2