Duzac Tried to Take Advantage of the Relations with Iran

Gaston Duzac could be linked with Iranian negotiations
The Argentinean businessman, Gaston Duzac, got an $ 800 thousand dollars credit with COFIEC bank, he was also one of main parties involved in the relations of Ecuador-Iran, according to press releases.
Duzac had met with Pedro Delgado and his brother-in-law Francisco Endara, to discuss his visit to Tehran, the capital of Iran. Regarding this Gino Caicedo, former president of COFIEC, informed that he met with Delgado, Endara and Duzac. In his report they met in Guayaquil, on February 2 of 2012 to reach a correspondent agreement with an Iranian bank.
The proposal of the Central Bank of Ecuador, run by Pedro Delgado, was that COFIEC work along with Iranian financial entities that weren’t sanctioned by the United Nations.
Duzac wanted to bring Iranian trucks and was looking to sign a contract so that Induequipos was the brand representative of the Iranian trucks. However those negotiations did not give any results and thus they were dismissed, according to an announcement made by Delgado. AV