Ecuador expects investment of $ 3,698 million in road development
The National Government launched the logistics roadmap. The purpose is to contribute to the adoption of a sustainable logistics model of Ecuador framed in the national agreement, in the axis of competitiveness, employment and innovation. The logistics roadmap assumes a total investment of $ 4.250 million.

The Vice President of the Republic, Otto Sonnenholzner, launched the logistics roadmap in the EU that will allow investments in the planned road infrastructure.
Of these, 87% corresponds to the planned road infrastructure networks. The launch was made on Monday, November 18 at the Convention Center of the University of Spirit Specialties (UEES).
95% of the total planned investment may be delegated to the private sector. And an additional $ 450 million, which require financing, correspond 73% to actions led by the Ministries of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries (Mpceip) and Transportation and Public Works (MTOP).
The MTOP holder, Gabriel Martínez, said that the roadmap allows investments in those works that will have more return, job creation and competitiveness, “and not spend resources on projects that are not going to be profitable.” He pointed out that the main routes of Ecuador with more traffic and economic importance “were not worked in the last 10 years.”
At present, several road infrastructure projects are already being executed. For example: the Guayaquil – Quito corridor, which has a traffic of 17,000 vehicles per day. It has two sections awarded; the first is from Santo Domingo – Buena Fe, and the second is Buena Fe – Babahoyo, with more than $ 1 billion in investment.
Also the Guayaquil – Machala corridor. The Vice President of the Republic, Otto Sonnenholzner, said that competitiveness cannot be based on job insecurity and subsidies, but on real and sustainable things.
He stressed that the road map is real and regretted that in 20 years there has been no public concession. Now very important work is being done with public-private partnerships; The same with the agreements, he said.
“This logistics roadmap has been designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to the world they want to export, but also that small producer,” he said. Caterina Costa, president of the Chamber of Industries of Guayaquil, said the proposal has solid foundations, is sustainable over time and has the CAF seal.
She believes that the roadmap “supports two important props that are exports and investments.” The representative of the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), Bernardo Requena, said that the entity gave the technical support to carry out the studies and methodology to create the road map.
The Mpceip will facilitate foreign trade processes through digital transformation processes, projects to develop a Logistics and Transportation Observatory, creation of the Moodle virtual platform, among others.