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Ecuador perceived the reddish lunar eclipse at 02:00 am
Posted On 15 Apr 2014

The National Astronomical Observatory of the Polytechnic School, opened its doors so people could enter to see the phenomenon. Also, some TV channels placed boxes on their screens to show the eclipse. Even many citizens, spent the night on the outskirts of the Astronomical Observatory in La Alameda Park, in the Centre of Quito, waiting to enter and watch the eclipse through the old telescope of that scientific Center, built at the end of the 19th century.
The director of the Observatory, Ericson López, told Efe that the eclipse is a common phenomenon, but said that the particularity of this first eclipse, is that the Moon becomes reddish due to an atmospheric factor when the satellite enters in the shadow cone left by the planet.
The lunar eclipse of today, which was seen in the Americas and lasted 78 minutes, is the first of a Tetrad of Red moons that repeats almost every six months within a year and half, a phenomenon that will only occur seven times in this century, as indicated by the NASA.