Ecuadorian mothers have fewer children nowadays
With an average of 1.8 children per woman, Ecuadorian women have lowered the number of children with respect to 2001, when the rate was 2; and in 1982, 4, according to the National Institute of statistics and censuses (INEC).
Today, many countries celebrate mother’s day. In Ecuador, numerous acts, which began on Friday in schools and institutions, continued last night with musical serenades and continue today with family gatherings and gift-giving.
In Ecuador there were 3 804 947 women in reproductive age registered in 2010 by the INEC. 2 133 146 women working, whether in relationship of dependency, owners of businesses or domestic workers and 28.7% of households are headed by a woman. 339 656 women are single mothers.
According to El Universo newspaper, a special feast will be carried out in Calceta, cantonal head of Bolívar, province of Manabí, where the municipality will celebrate nine mothers of 100 years old or older who live in that city.