Ecuavisa accused the Secom of violating the Communications Law
The TV channel Ecuavisa aired yesterday the production ordered by the Ministry of Communication (SECOM), called “This is real freedom,” it was done with a statement in which Ecuavisa indicated that the TV Station rejects the content of this because according to them, it “attempts to polarize the public opinion.”
In the production appears a woman dressed in white, who is bullied by six men dressed in black, who complain of an alleged loss of privileges and reject certain rules, such as the compulsory affiliation to the Social Security.
“This channel believes that its content attempts to polarize the public opinion stigmatizing in a deliberately and negative way various sectors of society,” said Ecuavisa.
It also added that the channel “believes that such content would violate the existing regulations to communications.”
Ecuavisa said that the Secom would have violated Section 71 of the Communications Act, which provides that “the chains are arranged to transmit messages of general interest and can also be used by holders of state functions, ‘Solely and exclusively for reporting on matters within its jurisdiction when necessary for the public interest. The public servants mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be liable for the misuse of this power.’
Fernando Alvarado, from the SECOM, against this, said in his Twitter account: “Why is it?” that only Ecuavisa and former candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, “have felt alluded.”