Ecudos strike continues
Since last August 15, hundreds of workers congregate in the outskirts of Ecudos sugar plant in La Troncal, Cañar Province, to demand payment of profits, salary increase from $ 305 to $ 318, among others.
Ecudos Union’s general secretary, Gerardo Granizo, said the strike will continue unless the Gloria Group, who owns 70% of shares, and the Labor Ministry, ensure the dialog.
Meanwhile, the labor minister, Francisco Vacas, said that a court will appoint members to convene hearings and reach potential agreements. Vacas also urged workers to resume their activities at the moment.
However, Vacas ensured that the measure will not affect the normal supply of sugar in the country and ruled out a possible shortage.
In the meanwhile, workers take advantage of the plant’s courts and play soccer, volleyball, etc., while other workers relax and listen tropical music at high volume.

Ecudos workers in the outskirts of the Sugar Plant.