Edmund Chladek: “Galo Chiriboga did not tell us he owned Madrigal”
German citizens Edmund and Barbara Chladek were the owners of the house where Attorney General Galo Chiriboga currently lives. This property is located in La Vina, in the Tumbaco Valley (east of Quito) and is owned by the Madrigal Finance Corporation, the Panamanian offshore firm that belongs to Chiriboga.
From Europe, through a videoconference, Edmund Chladek gave an interview to daily El Universo in order to, according to him, clarify the allegations the prosecutor has made regarding the purchase of this property.
Chladek explained he signed a mortgage deed with the Agricultural Credit Bank, a financial institution that was later purchased by Bancomex, which closed its doors on July 30, 1999. Two days before the closing, our mortgage was transferred to Mr. Chiriboga in 1999. He contended -and right now he keeps saying- that the bank owed $ 80,000 to him.
About the contact with Galo Chiriboga, he said that the latter went to his house and “convinced my wife that the bank -he said he represented the bank- was going to sell the house at a fair price. Once the bank transferred the debt, a promissory note for 230 million sucres would be granted to him. But one thing is clear: in May 1999 I paid a much bigger amount than 230 million. So the bank had no reason to transfer the debt to him.”