Eeh-Ooh!: Gerardo Mejia Lasted Hit

Gerardo Mejia
One of the greatest Ecuadorian artists, Gerardo Mejia, spoke to EcuadorTimes about his latest hit: Eeh -Ooh!
Inspired and motivated by the Ecuadorian soccer team, Gerardo told us that this song seeks to inspire the fans during the soccer tournament season.
“It was something that came from my heart, because I don’t always have the joy to be in many of the team games. On several occasions we meet at my place or some friends’ house to watch the games and support the team,” revealed the artist.

Gerardo Mejia
That’s why, for quite a long time, Gerardo has intended to write a song dedicated to the TRIcolor and its fans. But because of his professional activities, he was able finally to start composing the song in mid-September. The recording was made in the United States and produced by Frank Nitty and DJ UnderDaug.
“Since last year I wanted to do something, but finally I got excited with the idea (…) at the beginning I was afraid that after the song came out, the team would start losing games,” joked the rapper.
Now, he is back in Ecuador to promote his song titled Eeh -Ooh! through the local media and will start shooting the video in two weeks.
Currently, Gerardo continues to work in the States where he has musically collaborated with renowned artists such as Enrique Iglesias, Paulina Aguirre, among others. Besides, he keeps working as a headhunter and soon he will be launching a new funk band called Future Stereo.
The Ecuadorian musician continues composing songs, but now with a deeper message that can reach the people that is “lost” in the world.
“My market is not the church. I do not want to get to that. My market is the whole world, for them to be inspired and motivated to go to church. I seek to make positive change happen”.

Gerardo and Enrique Iglesias

Gerardo recording with Frank Nitty y Dj Underdawg