EU hopes to be able to negotiate again with Ecuador
Until yesterday’s afternoon, the delegation of the European Union (EU) in Ecuador, had not received a notification from the Government communicating its desire to negotiate a trade agreement for development (ACD), despite the fact that last April 25, the regime reported that it had planned to send a communication to the representation of that block in the country to tell them that Ecuador wanted to sit down and talk.
Peter Schwaiger, Chargé d’affaires of the EU in Ecuador, said yesterday that they were going to wait until they send this new position of Ecuador, and mentioned that in June the Vice Chancellor Marco Albuja will be in Brussels, Belgium, the EU headquarters.
In addition, about discussing the trade agreement, Schwaiger said that “not in technical way”, because the diplomatic service is not responsible for the negotiations of trade agreements, but the European Commission and within it, the Directorate General for trade.
On the other hand, the Government created the Commission for the Integral citizen audit of treaties of reciprocal protection of investments and the system of international arbitration in matter of investments (Caitisa), assigned to Senplades.