Fabricio Correa and Vinicio Alvarado called to give version by case Arroz Verde

Quito –
Two weeks after starting the fiscal investigation within the so-called Arroz Verde case against Pamela Martínez, private assistant of the then president Rafael Correa, and Laura T., exasistente of Martínez, the prosecutor Ruth Amoroso calls to render version, this May 23, to Fabricio Correa, brother of the exmandatario.
The notification is part of the impulse published on the afternoon of last Friday and would be related to a brief submitted by César Monge, leader of CREO, on May 17, which includes ten annexes and one CD-R. Fabricio Correa must appear at the Transparency and Anti-Corruption Unit at 08:15.
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Since May 5, Martínez, who was also judge of the Constitutional Court, and Laura T. are detained in the Social Rehabilitation Center of Cotopaxi, during the 90 days of fiscal instruction for the crimes of bribery, influence peddling and illicit association, within a real contest of infractions.
The investigation was born from a journalistic work disseminated by the La Fuente and Mil Hojas portals, in which it was reported that companies that contracted with the State delivered $ 11.6 million in “voluntary donations” for the Alianza PAIS (AP) campaign, when in fact, the press release assures, the monies were part of a “bribery system”.
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The prosecutor requested that a computer expert be appointed to carry out the fixation, preservation, extraction and materialization of the digital content of the CD-R, which is clarified, as stated by Monge, contains a public statement by Fabricio Correa.
For this Monday, the Prosecutor General’s Office had already called the exmandatarios Rafael Correa, who lives in Belgium, and Jorge Glas, held in Cotopaxi for a sentence of illicit association related to Odebrecht.
To the list of summoned the ex-minister of Belt Vinicio Alvarado, who must be present at 08:00 on May 21, in Quito.
According to the press release entitled ‘All names of green rice’, the $ 4.1 million received in cash was distributed by Pamela Martínez to several AP representatives.
Francisco Judge, Rolando Carrera (former AP accountant) and former AP Christian Viteri complete the list of calls to give version. Viteri has said that it is false that he would have received money from Martinez for the campaign of the Mayor of Guayaquil, in 2014. (I)
Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2019/05/20/nota/7338527/fiscalia-llama-fabricio-correa