FARC Money Launderers Apprehended in Ecuador
In Ecuador at least eight people are involved in a money laundry network of 6 million Euros ($8.3 billions) that came from Spain and was sent to FARC to finance the terrorist group.
The party responsible is held in Manta, Manabí, Janeth Fasce Shumaker, manager of the bank Pichincha, along with her brothers Emilio and Walter, their respective wife’s were also involved, Lorena Cedeño López y Angélica Vélez Franco meanwhile in Tulcan, Carchi, three people were apprehended but their identities haven’t been revealed. The responsible were sent to Quito. In the capital the judge 21º of the Criminal Court of Pichincha, Hector Coba Rodriguez pressed the charges of money laundering; the court set a bail for the accused. However they were ban from leaving the country and are obliged to assist to court every 15 days on Tuesday.
The judicial process will extend for 90 days, and the district in charge, Norman Peñaherrera Manosalvas will present evidence of the accused participation. This case has been followed from Spain since 2008, when an increment of money sent to Ecuador and Colombia was detected, according the Wladimir Leon, the Narcotics chief of Manabi.
Judge Pablo Ruz confirmed that 138,000 ($191,820) Euros were found by the police in the house of Jenny Fasce sister of Janeth. Investigations pointed out that 6 million of Euros have been moved to Ecuador and Colombia, the money comes from illegal drug business, and it was covered as money sent from immigrants. Money transfer companies were assembled to hide this operation.
In Ecuador the money was handled through open accounts of National trust funds. Police officers investigated de agency 29 de Octubre in Tulcan. The Ecuadorian immigrant Jenny Fasce resided in Madrid, she was arrested along with 40 people who are also suspect of moving over 200 million Euros ($275 millions) that belong to FARC drug operations.
A Spanish judge determined that the imprisonment of Jenny Fasce on charges of money laundry and for cooperating with a terrorist group, since part of the money was used to finance the Colombian guerrilla. Meanwhile Trajano Lugo, manager of the Pichincha bank stated that Fasce would face the trials on her own, and that the activities of the economic entity are back to normal.