Filtration of audio on kidnapped in northern border motivates investigation of the Office of the Prosecutor

The surrogate attorney general, Maribel Barreno, announced on Wednesday an inquiry about the audio where the president of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, is heard referring to the kidnapping of the newspaper team of El Comercio newspaper on the northern border, which occurred last March.
The official appeared before the commission of Sovereignty, International Relations and Security to explain about the progress of the investigations and measures adopted by the criminal acts in the northern border and especially by the death of the citizens Óscar Villacís and Katty Velasco.
Barreno said that research on the audio broadcast on social networks where the President participates will take into consideration that the information handled by the National Council of State Security enjoys protection; and therefore, of reservation.
Fiscal General (s) #MaribelBarreno comparece ante la Comisión de @SoberaniaAN, para informar sobre los avances de la investigación en el caso de Óscar Villacís y Katty Velasco, pareja que habría sido secuestrada por el frente Oliver Sinisterra, liderado por alias "Guacho".
— Fiscalía Ecuador (@FiscaliaEcuador) 19 de diciembre de 2018
If protected information was disseminated, Barreno added, the pertinent investigation will be made taking into consideration that the dissemination of information of restricted circulation is an act of crime that is foreseen in the Organic Comprehensive Criminal Code (COIP).
She commented that a preliminary investigation will be conducted and that in the course of the investigation will be verified who may have participation in the crime.
The journalistic team of El Comercio was kidnapped and murdered, supposedly on the Colombian side. (I)