Fishermen ask for more miles to find catches
On the second working day of the advisory boards, set up in Portoviejo (Manabí), representatives of the fishery and shrimp sector had the opportunity to express their needs to the authorities. Requests include reforming the current Fisheries Law and improving certain conditions that facilitate their work, such as greater access to security and financing.
The current Fisheries Act has prejudiced the players of this industry for the past eight years. President of the National Federation of Shipowners of Purse Seine Vessels César Cabeza argues that among the reforms to be undertaken are the 8-mile issue, as fishers have been banned from catching all kinds of fish. The need to revise the close seasons time must be added to this.
“They have also categorized us as industrialists, and we are artisan fishers, our fishing is for the internal consumption, while industrial fisheries are intended at industrial processes, we do not do those processes,” said Cabeza. (I)