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Former commander reviews the orders of political power
Posted On 16 Sep 2016

“Today you will know the truth.” That was the warning made by the former commander of the Police Fausto Tamayo. He said this at the entrance to the National Court. Yesterday was the ninth day of the trial hearing for the alleged sale of promotions in the institution.
With the appearance of the official -which lasted more than five hours- the defense of the defendants began.
What is the strategy of Tamayo? Revealing the pressures of political power. He mentioned the full names of two officials who at some point, requested a promotion.
The first who intervened was Interior Minister Jose Serrano. He said he knew all the lists Lieutenant Ernesto Montenegro sent to the headquarters to request the promotions. Montenegro has already been processed in this case: he recognized his participation in the alleged corruption facts and is serving a sentence of eight months and five days in jail.
Tamayo repeated that according to Montenegro, most of the money generated by the illegal sale of promotions went to the hands of the interior minister.