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Fukushima Station Released More Radiation than Expected
Posted On 27 Oct 2011
The wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, released more than twice the amount of radiation estimated by the Japanese government. Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s) emitted 35,800 terabecquerels of radioactive cesium 137 at the height of the disaster.
Japan’s nuclear regulator in June said that 15,000 terabecquerels of cesium 137 was discharged. The amount represents the 42% of the quantity released in Chernobyl in 1986.
Cesium 137 is a matter of public health concern the radioactive isotope has a half-life of 30 years. A Becquerel represents one radioactive decay per second and involves the release of atomic energy, which can damage human cells and DNA. (AV)