García: “Economic measures drive the export sector.”
The Minister of Industries and Productivity Eva Garcia explained that the policies promoted seek to generate new jobs, maintain dollarization, support entrepreneurs, and the export sector, in addition to combating smuggling.
In an interview in the Urgent Analysis TV show, Garcia said there are 1,600 exporters in the country, but the government intends to triple that number through the promotion of this sector. One of the implemented policies will be the return of taxes. She emphasized there is a proposal for the drawback to being automatic and, thus, exporters rest assured on that benefit.
The official said that the government has brought forward the possibility of granting a special credit for small and medium-sized enterprises, the handicraft sector and actors of the popular and solidarity economy, which represent more than 82% of existing companies.
Yesterday, García held a meeting with trade union organizations, such as the Unitary Front of Workers and the National Federation of Provincial Governments of Ecuador, to present the proposals of the Consultative Council. (I)