Gerardo Mejia: “I will work for migrants”
“This will be a real challenge for me. I promise that if I get to the Assembly, I will work for migrants“, said singer Gerardo Mejia yesterday at the National Convention of the alliance between the Partido Social Cristiano (PSC) and Madera de Guerrero (MG), when accepting the candidacy to represent migrants in the U.S. and Canada.
Mejia, 47, managed to establish himself as a latin character by making a huge reputation in the Latino population in the U.S. through his music and performance.

Ecuadorian Migrants in Spain going through hunger strikes for all the evictions made from the Spanish Government.
As for the representation of migrants in Europe, Asia and Oceania, Pedro Pablo Duart, who has a master’s degree in Political Communication and Foreign Trade, tops the list.
If Duart gets to the Assembly, he will have to deal with distressed Ecuadorians in Spain due to the severe crisis that afflicts the country. (MZ)