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Guayaquil will receive foreign buyers
Posted On 26 May 2015
156 foreign buyers will participate in a business meeting in Guayaquil. This event seeks to strengthen non-oil exports, which grew 1.6% contrary to the oil revenues which fell 50.3% in March this year.
The event is organized by the Institute of Promotion of Exports and Investments (Pro Ecuador). Its executive director, Victor Jurado, said that managers of major supermarkets in California, Japan, Spain, United Arab Emirates shopping will come. In total, are buyers from 26 Nations.
There will be 500 Ecuadorian exporters. It is estimated that sales will reach the 210 million dollars, taking into account that last year reached $208 million. The figures show the importance of the appointment.
The event will be at the hotel Hilton Colón of Guayaquil on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 June and nemployers wishing to participate can sign virtually free until tomorrow-27 (