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Gustavo Jalkh, brought to trial
Posted On 05 Sep 2017
Complaints of an alleged lack of independence of justice – constant during the previous government – now take a boost with several public testimonies of former judges and emails leaked days ago. They are part of the “evidence” to bring the president of the Council of the Judiciary Gustavo Jalkh to trial.
Legislator Esteban Bernal (CREO-Participa Party) will announce the request today, he has already talked with his colleagues from other parties and is sure that the petition will exceed the 35 signatures necessary to begin the process.
On August 21, a group of former judges denounced their ‘illegitimate’ dismissal for ruling against people close to former government officials. On August 25, the Factores de Poder website, of Venezuelan journalist Patricia Poleo, released a video that would reveal the exchange of emails among officials. (I)