Head of the TCE assures that there are no reasons to postpone elections and warns the CNE that he is in contempt for 44 days by Justicia Social
This morning, Arturo Cabrera, president of the Contentious Electoral Tribunal (TCE), stated that there is no reason to postpone the general elections of February 7, 2021 and that the National Electoral Council (CNE) has been disregarding the ruling for 44 days of mandatory compliance on the Social Justice Movement, “consciously, but arbitrarily and illegally.”

Head of the TCE assures that there are no reasons to postpone elections and warns the CNE that he is in contempt for 44 days by Justicia Social
Cabrera said that Social Justice was without legal life 49 days, of the 103 days provided for the registration of candidacies. With the 44 days of contempt by the CNE, that is 93 days of the 103 days that that organization has not been able to act.
“The election process is not at risk, the political participation of the adherents and guests of a political organization is at risk, but the primary interest of the Nation is the holding of the elections, it must also be clarified that the stages foreseen in the calendar, until today, they have been fulfilled (…) So there is no delay, the electoral calendar has not been breached, the subsequent stages do not have to be affected (…), ”said Cabrera.
And he added: “The attitude of disrespect of the electoral CNE is causing direct prejudice to a political organization, not to the process of lessons that has to be carried out and there is no pretext to postpone it.”
Cabrera assured that, until this Sunday, December 13, at 3:00 p.m., there are no administrative appeals pending resolution in the CNE and in the TCE four cases are pending, three of which are resolved tonight, in the sessions called from 8:00 p.m. and only one cause for the registration of assembly members from Esmeraldas is pending.
Cabrera’s statements are given about eight hours before the Plenary of the CNE hears and decides on compliance with the TCE ruling, referring to the National Social Justice Movement, List 11, today, at 6:00 p.m. Session that was postponed this weekend for two occasions. (I)