Hernan Reyes completed the Regulatory Council
The Main Assembly of the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS), appointed six of seven votes in favor to its delegate to the Council for the Regulation and Development of Information and Communication to Hernan Reyes Aguinaga.
With the participation of Reyes the Council is complete, chaired by Patricio Barriga, Executive Officer, along with Tamara Merizalde, representative of the Council of Childhood and Adolescence; Paulina Mongrovejo of the Ombudsman, and Roberto Wohlgemuth, of Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GAD).
Reyes is a sociologist and professor, who in 2012 had a contract for “political consulting” with the regime, which was expanded in the same year. Hernan Reyes Aguinaga was chosen from Marco Villaruel and Raul Barba; the Main Assembly board of the CPCCS was scheduled for 14h00.
The vocal David Rosero told in a press conference that “would have been more practical to elect representatives through participatory mechanisms rather than four walls.” He added that according to a citizen survey, Reyes only scored 7% of support while Prof. Marco Villarruel got 65%. He concluded that to be the fifth member of the Board of Adjustment, by his way of thinking, would not be independent.