IACHR Rapporteur rejects Sara Velástegui order of prison

The case of Sara Velástegui, who was sentenced to 40 days in prison for making a complaint on Facebook, is already known to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
For Édison Lanza, rapporteur of Freedom of Expression of that entity, the Velástequi case shows that “Ecuador must modify the crime of insults”. He also said that the prison sentences for reporting orcommenting on issues of interest are incompatible with Article 13 of the American Convention on Freedom of Thought and Expression.
Velástegui was transferred this Tuesday, November 27, to the Ambato prison. Assembly woman Jeannine Cruz said that “the persecution of which (Sara) is a victim for having a say” is clear.
She believes that the publication is not “insulting” and questions that”if a citizen cannot express himself on Facebook because a high-handed manis offended and persecuted, there is no democracy.” (I)
Source: https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/judicial/12/relator-cidh-rechazo-prision-saravelastegui