Industries diversified by the crisis
The owners of workshops , companies and factories in Tungurahua , Cotopaxi and Chimborazo diversified their businesses to get out of the crisis due to the health emergency. This change prevented the mass layoff of workers and the closure of businesses .

Industries diversified by the crisis
One of the actions of the Ambato Chamber of Commerce and the Tungurahua Industries is to carry out a survey to find out what happens to its 350 partners and how to support them for the reactivation , positioning of their brands and sale on the web pages. It started in June and the results will be presented in August.
Cristina Hernández , vice president of the Ambato Chamber of Commerce, said that preliminary data allowed the campaign to start: Ambato is formal trade. This initiative aims to enable customers to purchase products from businesses that issue invoices and comply with biosafety processes.
“There is an increase in informal sales. The results of the census will allow us to look for alternatives to support the different actors in the economy, ”he said.
The affected sectors are manufacturing , textiles , footwear , food , beverages , fast food , among others. For this reason, the businesses are dedicated to the elaboration or sale of alcohol, visors, disinfectants, biosafety suits, masks, foot baths or they made new products that were not included in their catalogs.
This is the case of Plasticaucho Industrial . This company has 1,500 workers and generates 700 indirect jobs.
Xavier Cuesta , General Manager of Plasticaucho , indicated that the diversification and the reduction of the working day avoided the dismissal of personnel. Now, they are building foot baths and the line of footwear with sandals has been expanded in various models. “We took advantage of the machinery and talent of our workers to make the factory move. There is a partial reactivation ”.
Another business that changed was Persacom. Manuel Pérez fixes computers and sells technological equipment; due to the crisis, he adapted a space for the sale of gel and alcohol. “It had to be improvised, but we are getting ahead.”
In Cotopaxi , agro-industrial, floricultural and livestock companies continue their production. Not so the commercial , the construction and the manufacturing that register losses.
Alberto Salvador , president of the Latacunga Chamber of Commerce, indicated that these three sectors are gradually recovering. “We do not register partners who have closed their businesses despite the strong economic crisis.”
In Chimborazo, entrepreneurs also apply strategies to keep their businesses open. The working hours were reduced to four and six hours, and companies are adapting to a new way of marketing through digital media such as websites and social networks.
“We had to learn about digital marketing and change our products to save the 16 jobs we created,” says Luis Miranda, owner of Textifer.
The factory replaced its production of school uniforms and sportswear with biosafety suits .
Families from the parishes received
Bolívar plants.- The farmers of Salinas and San Luis de Pambil will plant citrus plants. The technicians of the Secretariat of Productive Development of the Prefecture, with the support of the Municipality of Echeandía, made the donation to diversify the crops in that area.
COE of Guaranda analyzes pedestrianization of
Bolívar streets.- The debates on the pedestrianization of the Historic Center of Guaranda continue on the municipality’s social networks. The authorities hope to implement this option in the coming days, to apply social distancing in the city.
Cumandá will have new sidewalks and curbs
Chimborazo.- A group of workers will pave sidewalks and curbs in the sector of the Chanchán bridge, at the entrance to the Cumandá canton. This work, financed by the Municipality, seeks to improve the flow of pedestrians with wider sidewalks and the decoration of the canton.
Agricultural fair in the Mario Mogollón square opened
Cotopaxi.- The producers of Latacunga, Pujilí, Saquisilí and Salcedo resumed the fair from La Mata a la Olla. The sale of legumes, vegetables, fruits and other products takes place on Mondays from 08:00 to 12:00. To enter you must pass temperature controls.