Intellectuals ask for the respect of freedom in Ecuador
Through a document, 23 intellectuals from Europe, America and Asia called for the “respect of human rights in Ecuador’, in particular of freedom of expression.
The intellectuals expressed through the text their concern “about the situation in Ecuador, where freedom of expression is systematically attacked by the Government, mediating arbitrary decisions concealed in an apparent legality,” stated yesterday Efe news agency.
The reasons that raised the concern of those who signed the document are cases before the Ecuadorian courts where thirteen people have been accused for the alleged crimes of sabotage and terrorism by the irruption of Ecuador TV State channel on September 30 of 2010, the day of the police uprising.
Subscribers show their solidarizacion with the citizens “facing politically manipulated criminal trials intended to take them to prison for twelve years”, says the text that was approved at the closing ceremony of the Forum 2000, which takes place in Prague and every year invites personalities from the world of politics and culture.
Among the intellectuals who signed the document are the former heads of the State of Belarus, Stanislav Shushkevich; and of Lithuania, Vytautas Landsbergis; and three Czech Ministers.