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‘It makes no difference to steal a sheep or $ 10 million through embezzlement’
Posted On 27 Jun 2016
In an interview with daily El Universo, Public defender Ernesto Pazmino questions the creation of the justice board, which also involves ministers, he also criticized the provisions of the Integral Organic Code of Criminal Procedure with emphasis on an alleged disproportionality of penalties, he describes a possible impeachment trial against him as a “naive and childish reaction,” he suggests seven criminal reforms which include the legalization of abortion for rape and discards running for president in 2017, as he aims to complete his term in 2018.
Q: In recent months you have been very critical of the justice system in the criminal field and some sentences such as the Saraguros case. What is this about?
A: Before discussing the Integral Organic Criminal Code (Coip) from 2007 to 2008. I stated that the previous Code was punitive and in 2009 we participated in the development of a Coip draft, with several experts from the Ministry of Justice of the time, the same that had a guarantee vision of rights and a fundamental advance in terms of penalty dosimetry, with correspondence between crime and punishment. However, in 2010 a total change of mentality in the criminal matter occurred and that draft was submitted to the Assembly, with the same paragraphs but with a twist: the quadruplication of penalties for minor offenses and a decrease in serious crimes.
Q: How can you describe the relationship between the executive branch and the judicial branch?
A: The intention to work with the justice board, was that of generating public policies to have a more impartial, independent, fair and efficient justice administration and generate confidence among citizens, what I said, the presence of agents from the Executive sector may somehow clash with that proposal.
Q: Why?
A: Because there is a judicial independency, there is a separation of powers in Ecuador. The Constitution states that justice administration is independent from the judiciary, there may be coordination, agreement mechanisms, but justice administration is independent.
Q: The Democratic Left is being reorganized, will you return to this political organization?
A: I am not affiliated to the Democratic Left, they sponsored my nomination, I was the most disciplined deputy.
Q: Do you intend to return to political life?
A: Not during this period. I have already been a deputy, now any adventurer nominates, I see there will be a fairly dispersed Assembly with minority groups that are going to force negotiations. I am not forming any political movement (I).