Jaime Nebot defends the resources that the State must provide SOLCA and GAD
Guayaquil’s Mayor, Jaime Nebot, defended through his Twitter account, the public resources that must be delivered by the State to social institutions such as SOLCA.
“Taking away the money from #SOLCA is taking away the life of people suffering from Cancer. Let’s be clear.”, wrote Nebot. Then he added: “Taking away the money to the cities and provinces, is taking away the works and services to the people. Let’s be clear.”.
His messages were an answer to the announcement made by the Finance Ministry, Fausto Herrera; and to the words given by the Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa, who criticized this Saturday the pressure created by SOLCA when requesting the State to pay its debt. (I)
Fuente: http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2016/03/06/nota/5449956/jaime-nebot-defiende-recursos-que-estado-debe-entregar-solca-gad