Julian Assange Future is Still Uncertain

Julian Assange faces uncertainty
Christine Assange, mother of the Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, assured that United States is studying possible charges against her son. Christine stated that a big jury is meeting in secret and without a judge, while Julian has four attorneys and is not allowed to present any defence.
Meanwhile the founder of Wikileaks alleged a persecution against him and thus requested political asylum in Ecuador, whose government assured him that it will take a “sovereign” decision regarding his “humanitarian” vocation.
For several weeks now has Julian Assange remained at the Ecuadorian embassy in London with a pending extradition order to Sweden where he would be tried for sexual abuse and rape charges. This judicial process could take him to the United States to answer for the famous confidential Wikileaks cables.
Nicola Roxon, the Australian prosecutor recently stated that, “if Mister Assange is not in Australia, the fact that he is an Australian citizen does not gives us the right to intervene in any legal process.” (AV)